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4.2 - Discussion Acme Aviation Safety Consultant Service

4.2 - Discussion

Q To: Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Services. From: J. Cochran I run a scenic flight service here at Hobart International Airport. We are currently expanding our aviation flight operations and hiring additional crew members. I see that you offer a course on human factors. We have a few questions about that in regards to this SMS concept. How does human factor integrate into an SMS program? Should human factors training be just for cockpit crews, or should the entire organization receive human factors training? Why would our managers need human factors training, or do they? What’s new in risk management and this buy-in concept? Thank you for your time. God speed! - Jacqueline Guidance Please review the Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Service page for detailed activity instructions, as well as video and audio guidance.

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To: J. Cochran From: Acme Aviation Safety Consulting Services Good afternoon, In case of a SMS program, the importance of human factors can be identified with rectification of ways to not make human errors. If there is lack of focus on human errors in a SMS program, there will be more tendency to commit errors unknowingly. Risk management can be done in a proactive manner with integration of human factors (Archer & Fain, 2020). This is because there can be risks identified along with development of solutions for future. There has to be learning about ways to reporting of hazards by your organizational members. Human factors training must be for all the organizational members receiving training in human factors. This is because there can be assistance provided by every member whenever required. Moreover, organizational members can be independent to resolve their problems. There can be updates provided to every organizational member so that every organizational member has access to updated information.